Dry bones & Writing Stones is a blog by cam beyenberg. his posts explore contemporary theological topics with practical application for everyday life in christ jesus.

Day 29: Is the Kingdom

Day 29: Is the Kingdom

One year I was watching the movie “Benchwarmers” and was caught up in tears during one of the funniest parts of the film. In the end scenes a group of bullied children are allowed to play baseball in a championship game of a tournament started by men who were bullied as kids too. The scene is supposed to be hilarious with kids striking out and throwing bats, running into each other, etc. As I watched, instead of laughter, tears streamed down my face. I asked the Lord, “What is happening!?” He responded with something that shook me to the core. I felt like He was saying that this scene was a portrayal of His Kingdom. All these kids have always been told that they are unworthy to be on the field, and because of that they believed they didn’t belong. I felt like the Lord was saying that although we may be unworthy, we belong with Him, in His Kingdom. It is by grace that we can come to be with the King, and all the royal children of the King. 

The end of Jesus’ prayer is a conclusion that points it is for God and it is from God alone. It is an ending that reveals the beginning and the present as well. It is a creative way in which we can join in this prayer to not seek to make idols out of the things of this world, but to rather trust in the in the King of kings. It is from and for the King that the Kingdom comes and brings forth the beauty of what government should look like: family. It is a Father who sends His Son who gives His Spirit so that orphans could become adopted sons and daughters, heirs and coheirs.

It has always been about God bringing forth a family so that we could, together, reveal that the greatest form of government is not made by human hands, but it is a King who is a Father who wants to be with and love His children. That’s good news. And when we speak out this prayer today, “For Yours is the Kingdom,” we are agreeing with the ways in which God powerfully loves and guides us into true and gracious relationship. When we speak this out to today, we are repeating our earlier request, “Let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” When we pray this, we are trusting that the leadership of the King and the incoming Kingdom of God is ushering forth a family of beloved sons and daughters. It is a beautiful vision, and I believe when we pray this prayer, we are opening our eyes to see the Kingdom the way the King does. Amen. 


Action: If we are truly believing what our Lord said is true, we are believing that the family He has been bringing together is one that able to implement change and transformation in the world. This is because the government of the Kingdom is all about relationships and a family that empowers one another to live fully in the glory of God. I encourage you today to declare this prayer as a way of asking to live as a Royal Child: King of the Kingdom, align us with Your government. 


Day 30: And The Power and The Glory

Day 30: And The Power and The Glory

Day 28: For Yours

Day 28: For Yours