Same Place, Different Results

For the many who feel like they have come to a similar place or position in their lives, be encouraged. The circumstances may be challenging, the happenings may be divisive and hurtful, the setting may even be concerning and cause fear, but you don’t have to experience the same, negative results.

________, Did You Know?

Do you know that God wants to birth revival through your life? Do you know that your present circumstances are not limitations but opportunities for God to prove that “no word from God will ever fail?” Do you know what’s inside of you? Rather, do you know Who is inside of you? 

Follow the Lamb

In this polarizing time, it’s so important for the people of God to admit where we have idolized people, platforms, and programs, and submit these to the Lord. We must repent and ask the Lord to lead us in the way everlasting (Ps. 139). We must return to our first love and prioritize being with Jesus, loving God, and loving our neighbor. We must recognize that our call is beyond just the American context and that no matter who is in the White House, God is on the throne and His mission moves forward for people from every nation to be part of His Kingdom and family. 

Deconstructing Deconstruction

As scary as it sounds to some, we are actually called to deconstructive thinking as a part of the process of allowing God to renew our minds, to transform our lives, and to build better, more intentional relationships and communities.

Declaration of Dependence

It is not a declaration of independence that leads us to freedom, it is a declaration of dependence. This dependence is solely upon the Lord, His saving grace, His faithfulness, His Word, and His Spirit that covers us and empowers us to live a life that is truly life.


In other words, all throughout the Scriptural accounts there is a call to face the difficulties and challenges of life with a strong and faithful resilience. It was not a call to give up, or cancel and blame others, or avoid people and situations. This was and is a call to reject the convenience of running from the hard stuff and instead fix our eyes on the Lamb, allow His ways to become our ways, and face the ups and downs with a posture of hope. 

The Divine is in the Details

Beloved, the Divine is in the details. God is always present and always inviting us to discover, encounter, and express His love and grace. There are love notes that God leaves for us all around. In the Scriptures, in creation, and in our relationships, God is consistently showing us Himself through the small and large details. He is constantly inviting us to see through His lens and become more aware of His Presence and creativity.

It’s the End of the World as We Know It

I would suggest that we continue to fix our eyes on the Lamb, imitate His lifestyle, obey His teachings, and welcome as many as possible into the collective of those who are called His children. I would propose that we do away with end times predictions about signs, raptures, antichrists, and the end of the world, and we simply commit to waiting, worshiping, and witnessing no matter what. I would encourage us all to be reminded that our present tense reality has been eternally altered by the now and not yet, and that our call is to live now as we will forever. 

Rainy with a Chance of Resurrection

No matter the forecast or weather, the circumstances or the lack of expectations, our God is able to break through with the power of the resurrection. God is still raising dead things to life, healing broken people, uniting divided groups, empowering the overlooked, and saving those who are stuck, lost, and in need. 

Name Tag

And here’s why all of this matters: there’s far too much at stake for us to not wear our true name tag. Not only do we end up believing lies about ourselves and act accordingly, but we miss out on the glorious invitation to welcome others into the truth of who God has made them to be and the beauty of their unique purpose in His Kingdom.


The more we stay consistent, the more we will know this truth: God’s faithfulness is not dictated by our experiences but rather His consistency defines our lives.

Minor to Major: Reflections on Advent

The gloriously Good News of Advent is that because of the Lord’s transforming grace all of our minor key songs are made into major key songs. The music might start on a minor, but the finished work of Jesus sings loudly and clearly in a major key. Although there might be minor notes, the hope, peace, joy, love, and light of Christ are how the song ends, and ultimately, continues on forever.

Delight: An Antidote to Hurry, Perfectionism, and Numbing

Beloved, you may be in the midst of waiting, you may be experiencing ups and downs, or you may just be journeying through life. The Good News is that God delights in His creation and the GOODER News is that God invites us to receive this joy and participate in this pleasure. This extensive joy is an antidote to the hurry, perfectionism, and numbing of our age.

Posture Matters

If you’re reading this, God’s not done with you yet. If you’re still waiting, don’t give up. If you’re hoping for breakthrough, posture yourself at the feet of Jesus. If you’re longing for healing, hope, and wholeness, know that this is what the meal of the Lord is all about.

The Power of Tension

We may feel and experience pressure, but it’s not always a bad thing. God is good at taking things that seem to be too much and turning them into something glorious. This is the message of the cross. Jesus took the weight of sin upon Himself through a Roman torture device to release the weight of glory upon all who would receive it. It was tension that led to hope and life.

Human or Headline?

In the end, the question is not whether we are human or headline, but rather how we will choose to respond to one another in this season. My hope is that one day we will be able to see beyond the headlines of this world to claim and act from the headlines of the Kingdom.

Babel to Pentecost

I believe we are at a Babel or Pentecost moment, and I hope that our response would be for the Spirit of God to be poured out on all flesh in such a way that a family is formed not divided by opinion or affiliation but united on one common ground: Jesus

Collective Gaze

I bet that if we set our collective gaze on the Lord, our responses, communities, churches, and world would look different. We’d speak, think, and act more deeply rooted in the Lord rather than our opinions, politics, or preferences.

The Lens of Jesus

The Good News today is that even if we are running hard, He is with us, and He’s not only showing us the way, but He is the Way. Let’s wipe off our eyes, throw away the other lenses, and look through the lens of Jesus together.