Day 11: In Heaven
As mentioned in Day 2 of this devotional, sometimes we relinquish heaven to something that is only for after our days on earth here and now. Other times, we try to understand heaven as the location in which God is, rather than as Scripture points (Rev. 21), the location that comes out from God. As we partner today in praying the prayer our Lord taught us to pray, we come to a beautiful reality in which we can ask for not just heaven as a location, but heaven as a person to permeate, unify, and become our past, present, and future reality.
In asking for heaven and earth to align, we are requesting for the atmosphere of heaven, which is the atmosphere of the throne and the One enthroned: the Light, the River, the city that is named “The Lord is There,” to be made manifest in our lives. This is so vital to understanding this prayer, because we are not asking for something minimal but we are asking for something, or rather Someone is who the Maximum.
Jesus’ prayer is for the Kingdom to come and for the will of God to be done on earth as it is in heaven. In praying this, we are unifying ourselves with the request of our King, and we are choosing for our vision, experience, and lifestyle to be in alignment with not just an eternal location, but an eternal Person. And this Person, namely the Lord Almighty, is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask, think, or imagine. As we pray this prayer today, we are calling ourselves to be more aware of the Lord: His atmosphere, His attributes, His works, and His presence. In doing so, I believe we are reminding ourselves that ultimately heaven is in God, and that now and in the end, our goal is the same: to be found in God alone. Amen.
Action: We place such high value on other places, people, food, jobs, etc. We make paradise our vacations we have had or beaches we have visited or fantasies that we envision. However, the raw reality of the story of Scripture is that heaven is found in God alone, and in the end, our goal is be found in God alone. In your moving, living, and breathing today, I encourage you to pray: Lord of heaven, align me with You. In doing so, I believe we will find ourselves more awake and open to the Lord and His atmosphere rather than any other lord or atmosphere.