Same Place, Different Results
Over the past month I’ve seen a number of things that are new yet feel so familiar. From the wildfires that swept across multiple neighborhoods in Southern California to incredibly high speed winds that caused power outages, facility and home damage, and bad hair days to the ongoing divides, fear, and ridiculous news cycles surrounding the American government and politics, it all feels like we’ve come 360 to certain things and time.
In many ways, with the apocalyptic pictures from news reports covering fires and repetitive political statements and ensuing divides, I am reminded of 2020 with the COVID shutdowns, election cycle, and all of the painful experiences I endured during that time. I can’t speak for everybody, yet I’ve heard many others state the same sentiment of how they have been feeling with all of the happenings.
It feels like we are at the same place with regard to a number of different topics, but this time, I feel more aware of it. As I remember the circumstances of 2020, I am reminded of how I reacted during certain events, how I responded to specific questions, and how I continue to feel ongoing effects of trauma and pain. As difficult as this all is, I am grateful that as I remember, I also feel empowered to act, speak, think, and live differently. In other words, even though it feels like I’m in the same place, I’m able to pursue and produce different results.
Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. In many ways, I see this happening right now. In many ways, I’m trying to become more aware of this in myself and commit myself to growth. And in many ways, I believe that when we come to life circumstances that feel the same, we are invited to experience different results.
In fact, when we look to the Scriptures there are instances in which people find themselves in similar settings who continue to do the same things. Most prominently we see this in all of humanity continually choosing sin and brokenness whenever the Lord meets them with redemption and wholeness. More specifically we see this as Abram lies about Sarai being his sister to both Pharoah (Gen. 12) and Abimelek (Gen. 20). God’s people chose to grumble and complain in Egypt, the wilderness, and even while scouting the promised land (Ex.-Num.). Lastly, we see this same-place-same-results occurrence from the priests, judges, prophets, and kings all syncretizing to the idolatry of other nations and not leading God’s people into the righteousness God offered.
In many ways, we see the repetitive nature of humanity choosing to do the same thing when they come to a similar place/position, and it led to sin, brokenness, lies, complaining, and following poor leadership. In other words, it's not always good to be at the same place with the same results.
The Good News is that when we look to the Scriptures we also see many instances in which people find themselves in similar settings and situations, and rather than repeating results, different, new, and life-giving experiences take place. For example, in Joshua we read about the walls of the city of Jericho falling when the people of God gave a might shout during Israel’s conquest of the land. Interestingly, in Mark 10, Jesus encounter Bartimaeus who is shouting above the crowd for the Son of David to have mercy on him. In this moment, Jesus healed Bartimaeus and he started to follow Jesus immediately after. All of this took place right outside of Jericho. Same place, different results.
Or consider the life of Peter while following Jesus. He went from denying Jesus three times (Lk. 22) to declaring his love for Jesus three times (Jn. 21). He went from fishing all night with empty nets to nets so full of fish he and the other disciples couldn’t haul in their catch (Jn. 21). He went from sinking in fear (Mt. 14) to swimming in worship (Jn. 21). He went from using swords to cut off ears (Jn. 18) to using the Word of God to pierce hearts (Acts 2). In many ways, Peter was in the same place or position, but different results were produced.
Or last, think about the story of the apostle Paul who went from approving of Stephen’s stoning (Acts 8) and breathing out murderous threats toward followers of Jesus (Acts 9) to becoming a believer in Christ and apostle to the church who breathed out the Gospel wherever he went. He was in the same places, but there were different results.
So, what is the difference between same-place-same-results and same-place-different-results? An encounter with Christ Jesus. An encounter with Jesus led to open eyes rather than wars at Jericho. An encounter with Jesus led Peter from sinking to swimming and even walking on water. An encounter with Jesus led Paul and many others to leave behind the old life and live in the power of the Spirit as messengers of Good News. An encounter with Jesus is what can take our moments of being at a similar place or position but lead to different results.
Why does this happen? Because encounters with Jesus change everything. Our encounters with Jesus help us find healing in His wounds rather than angry responses from our own wounds. Our encounters with Jesus open our eyes to see things differently rather than living in blind ignorance or repetitive narrow-sightedness. Our encounters with Jesus lead us to a renewed mind that is filled with the Spirit of God rather than a fleshly mind that leads to division, decay, and death. And, ultimately, our encounters with Jesus empower us to recognize that just because we have arrived at a similar or same place in our lives, it does not mean that we have to experience the same results as our first go-around.
For the many who feel like they have come to a similar place or position in their lives, be encouraged. The circumstances may be challenging, the happenings may be divisive and hurtful, the setting may even be concerning and cause fear, but you don’t have to experience the same, negative results. There is One who is near, who empathizes with these moments, and who took on all of our negative results so that we might live in the fullness and eternity of life in Him. There is One who sees us in the same places or different places, and welcomes us to encounter His transforming presence so that we might receive and live in the results He produced for us. There is One, who even now, is inviting us to receive healing, new sight, a new mind, a new language, and a new lifestyle that flows from encountering Him.
This One is Jesus and He’s able to meet us in the same places, but produce different results. All we have to do is be open to receiving it.
If you find yourself, like me and many others, who feel like they are at a similar place, but you’re looking for different results, come to Christ. He’s able to search you, lead you, and pour out His renewal upon your life so that you might experience the promise of new and full life in Him. Whether it be physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental, I’d encourage you to pray the following if you find yourself at a “same place”: “Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting (Ps. 139:23-24).”
As you pray and listen, allow the Lord to strengthen your resolve to be open, to grow, to try new things, and to be obedient in how He is calling you to respond. For far too many, we get stuck in the same-place-same-results cycle and it becomes “normal” and repetitive. Yet, we serve One who is able to make us new and lead us forward into full life. Let His Presence and Word lead you into the new rhythms available as a different and better result in the “same places” of our lives.
We may find that as we open our hearts, minds, and lives to the Presence of Jesus, we will encounter the One who will meet us in the same places of our lives but lead us to experience different results. This may seem impossible, this may seem silly, or this may seem outlandish, but we serve an eccentric God who is able to make a way where it seems like there is no way.
To the newness God has made available for those who feel like they’ve come back to the same place, I write and pray. Amen.