Day 31: Forever. Amen

When we pray “Forever. Amen” we are agreeing that God came for all of our lives and we are giving all of our lives to Him to have. We are proclaiming that every bit of glory, fame, power, humility, brokenness, pain, victory, etc. is all for Him, and that He is worthy of all of us, and so much more.

Day 30: And The Power and The Glory

When we pray this prayer, we are not just recognizing the God who can speak and all of creation is formed, but also the God who came as the Word that laid down His life to recreate all things. We see the One and Only God whose love is pure and perfect. We see the One revealing power through humility and authority through the humiliation of a Roman torture device. 

Day 29: Is the Kingdom

The end of Jesus’ prayer is a conclusion that points it is for God and it is from God alone. It is an ending that reveals the beginning and the present as well. It is a creative way in which we can join in this prayer to not seek to make idols out of the things of this world, but to rather trust in the in the King of kings.

Day 28: For Yours

One of my favorite worship songs is by Jon Thurlow and he sings, “I want to give all that’s inside of my heart to You.” It is simple, eloquent, beautiful, and mysterious. It is a powerful way of singing and speaking out surrender to God as not just Savior, but as Lord of our lives. My favorite part of this song is in the last two words: to You.

Day 27: The Evil One

The reality at hand today, as we continue in the Lord’s prayer, is that Jesus is teaching His disciples to pray for deliverance not just from the evil one but from all evil. It is an acknowledgment in this prayer that, ultimately, what we are believing is that God is perfectly good, and in God’s perfect goodness, He is capable of delivering us from the evil one and the schemes of evil.

Day 26: From

Yet, Christ is the only source of all these things. When we pray this prayer, we are not just asking to be delivered from situations or circumstances, but rather we are asking to be relocated and realigned with the truth, the way, and the life. 

Day 25: Deliver Us

All throughout the story of God, our Faithful Father has been delivering the people of God from awful and terrible things. Sometimes it is from other group’s decisions, such as the Hebrews being freed from slavery to the Egyptian people. Sometimes it is from their own decisions such as idolatry and dependence on other kings and religious systems. Ultimately, we see the greatest deliverance that our Lord gives us is from the enemies of evil, sin, death, and ourselves.

Day 24: But

We serve the God of the second chance, the possibility, the hopeful assurance that one day, at the right time, all things will come into alignment with the creative imagination and intention of the Creator. 

Day 23: Not Into Temptation

Our Lord is not a far-off entity that does not understand or does not want to know us. Rather, our Messiah is one who has come, taken on flesh, experienced the ups and downs of human life, knows our triumphs and pains, knows our struggle and our overcoming, and can empathize with us as He encountered and knows our weaknesses.

Day 22: Lead Us

When we pray, “Lead us,” we are ultimately asserting that God’s direction, God’s will, God’s Kingship and Kingdom, and God’s life are the best things for us. We are by no means claiming that we cannot do things or make decisions, but rather that we want to partner with the Shepherd who has been leading us before we were born.

Day 21: And

Our God is a God of the more, the immeasurable. He is constantly working and growing and leading us to the greater things He promised that His disciples would do. 

Day 20: Our Debtors

It is not a forgiveness that is extended without a relationship. In this same manner, when we pray these small words, we are reminded of what others have done to us, but most importantly, we are reminded of asking the Lord about how He sees them. 

Day 19: Have Forgiven

As you pray this today, I encourage you to remember the Lord’s activity in the past toward you and how you can join in that activity toward those around you, because, ultimately, this is the best activity you can live from today. Amen. 

Day 18: As We Also

The power of the Lord’s Prayer is that is not passive. It is a constant pushing forward into activity. It is never leaving us without something to do, but it is only doing that is understood from being and abiding. As Jesus continues to teach His disciples to pray, He is beautifully and graciously leading them to a position of this understanding.

Day 15: And

If we truly believe God came in flesh and died in our place, we are declaring, therefore, that the Lord has given the ultimate price, Himself, to pay for us: meaning we are worth the ultimate price!

Day 14: Our Daily Bread

I think it is amazing that Jesus knows exactly what He is saying at all times. For me, sometimes I just react or respond without thinking about it. It’s wired into my brain, or something I choose to do because it’s the “only option.” However, for our Savior, He is intentional in all of His words and ways. 

Day 13: Today

I love the fact that the God of the universe dwelt in a human body, lived, breathed, experienced all things as we did, and walked among us. I love it. The reality that God not only knows what is it like to be Creator, but to walk in creation as Creator.

Day 12: Give Us

Psalm 35:27 states, “May those who delight in my vindication shout for joy and gladness; may they always say, “The Lord be exalted, who delights in the well-being of his servant.”