[IN] Security

I would much rather be a disciple of Christ Jesus who risks walking on the waves when things seem windy and dangerous with the possibility of sinking than one who sits in my boat of false security.

What Are You Holding Back?

Here's the interesting thing: they were all blended together. The crowns were sticking out from garbage piles, while the backpacks were crushing precious diadems. As our room continued to lift up our voices in praise, surrender, and worship, I saw an incredible transformation. In one instant, the entire pile was transformed into golden crowns before the feet of Jesus.

Make Me a Burning Bush

As Christians we are called to a posture of meeting our faith with action and our action with faith. This means that we are not called to be more puffed up with knowledge than we are humbled by service and love. This means that our prayers are not just words and thoughts, but blood, sweat, and tears as well.

What's Good?

Maybe I need to recognize the larger process and take heart in the overcoming Lord's heart. In the end, that's the only place that joy can be found anyways. Consider it pure joy friends, now is now, eternity is forever. 

Children Don't Have to Pay

Did you catch it? Earthly kings tax strangers. Why? Because the kings of the earth do not practice family like the King of kings does. Jesus tells Peter that the children don't have to pay, meaning that they are already paid for. The children are free and not only are they free, but they also have access to miraculous provision (such as coins in fish's mouths).

How Big is Your Chair?

our Holy One is enthroned in our praise. His seat is first, foremost, primary, priority. But isn’t it interesting how often we empower other things to take that seat? Isn’t it awful how much we give preeminence to other gods for the thrones of our hearts? What things are lifting higher than Jesus? What things are we enthroning with our praises?

Slow Down

As we passed a certain speed limit sign, I heard the Lord speak something about our rate of travel. I heard, felt, and experienced throughout the trip that “we were not built to operate at unsafe, insecure, unaware, unintentional or conforming speeds. Our manual is about love and love does not hurry. Love is patience.” It’s easier said than done, but I believe the patience of love is the glory of being present in God’s presence. 

Limitations and Redwoods: A Call to Dream Bigger

During this time, God gave me a vision that I feel is a prophetic word not only for myself, but that should be released for many to read, pray and walk in. I saw a big tree planted in a small planter. I heard The Lord say, "You need to break down the walls of the planter. You are a redwood.

Polishing Pride

i live in tension
it’s like the sound of nails on a chalkboard
yet i can see what’s being scratched out
if i look hard enough
it’s like a ripple effect on Lake Placid


He states that humanity is full of fear and needs protection, and ultimately that humanity will make mistakes. But there is grace for all of their mistakes

Genuinely Free.

But this is exactly what taking every thought captive is about: redemption. 

It is recognizing the reality of what Christ has done, is doing, and will do, and aligning ourselves to receive His love in heart, mind, soul, and strength.

Balloons Filled with Lies

I felt the Lord speak in this time and tell me the balloons were filled with lies. They were filled with false images, words, and illusions I had believed about God, others, and myself. The moment I started cutting strings that attached me to these lies I began to hear the truth. *You were made to fly.* *You are redeemed.* *You belong, beloved.* 


Welcome to my personal blog and website! I will be posting blogs, photos, poems, songs, and other creations on this website from time to time. For my first post I wanted to write about the release of my new book, expressions on eARTh, as it is in heaven.